We all know that I hate a LOT of things... it's really not something I try to hide. In fact, most of you know that "hatehatehatehatehate" just kind of runs on a subconscious loop behind any of my other thoughts. It is ALSO also not a secret that many of the things I hate seem kind of ridiculous to those who don't understand what it is to hate things with such fervor and completeness. For that reason I have begun illustrating some of the things I hate with explanations so that you, the lay person... flitting through life completely unconscious to the fact that you can hate so much at any given time, can begin to see life through my eyes and possibly bring a little bit more hate into your day.
surprise spider Like they’re not creepy enough when you know they’re there! Surprise spiders lay in wait behind closed doors or under pieces of paper just WAITING to jump out and attack you with their scariness. No joke… a surprise spider made me drop my toothbrush in the toilet last week. I could hear it laughing.
kayakers You like hiking too… don’t you?
So there you go... my first two installments of Things I Hate. Right now maybe these pictures mean nothing but I bet the next time you're driving down the highway and you see some RAV4 with a kayak strapped to the roof you'll say "Ugh... Jenny HATES kayakers" and then... maybe after the 3rd or 4th time you see a kayak you'll say "Ugh... I HATE kayakers" and then before you know it you'll be hating things like a pro.
Don't worry... there'll be more things you didn't even know you could or should hate right around the corner.
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