Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things I Hate Vol. 2

It's Thursday but I swear it should be Friday.  My brain has long since melted and oozed out my ears, nose, and mouth into a pile of goo on my desk.  To celebrate the fact that I am basically a walking zombie running on only the knowledge that I need to finish a number of things before this week can end I will give you another Thing I Hate.

I spent the first 17 years of my life comfortably certain that I was not a robot.  Then, in 2000, four supergenius’ at Carnagie Mellon University invented the CAPTCHA (which stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart) – which by the way should be CAPTTTCAHA but someone I guess figured that wasn’t as catchy – and I started to question myself.  I can’t read a CAPTCHA.  I have to refresh the damn thing 2 or 3 times before I get one that I can at least guess at, which always leaves me feeling a little bit hollow and a lot bit worried that I might, in fact, be a robot after all.  I mean it’d at least explain my lack of ease with natural human emotions. 
 So there you go... I freakin' hate CAPTCHA.  Make me wonder if I'm a person will ya?! 

I'm going to start working on my plans for a badger cannon tonight.  Check back soon for my progress.

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