It only took me... mmmm... two weeks but here it is...
Drum roll please...
Date Unknown-
An early work... I LIKE COLORS!! |
Date Unknown (2008)-
My first dinosaur. As you can tell- volcanoes, a wicked awesome sun guy and dinosaurs really are my inspiration |
Date Unknown (2008) "Fancy Luau"
This was my first foray into costumed dinosaurs. He is wearing a top hat, a lei and a hula skirt because clearly he is dancing a very fancy hula with that fish. |
Date Unknown (2008) "Dino Dance Partay"
I am especially proud of the turban. I really would like to thank Melissa Izzo for the turban inspiration and Peter Chenot for always believing that I could draw a turban on MS Paint. In case you didn't realize, the music notes connote dancing. |
Date Unknown (2008) "Dino Beach Party"
In this picture we visit our dino friends during their spring break. Spring break in the mesozoic era wasn't much different than it is now, right down to the runny hats and beach volleyball game. I'd like to extend special thanks to Sarah Kronenberg for helping me perfect the sombreros in this picture. |
Date Unknown (2008) "Portrait of a Successful Dino"
This is my first attempt at a dinosaur portrait. Although I believe that I successfully captured this dino's professional side with the suit and all, I find the lack of detail in the background makes portraits less interesting pieces for me to work on. |
Date Unknown (2008) "Pretention"
My newest work was inspired by several things including our bartender calling out of work at the last minute, and a play we're working on at the theare, as well as the patrons driving me insane. |
Date Unknown (2008) "Zombie Patrons: a public service piece"
Although this picture does not include my normal dino muse, I feel it is just as important as any of my prior works. This is really a public service piece- basically this is what you look like to the people who give you tickets at the theatre; remarkably like a vampire that is about to zombie my face. |
7 February 2008 "Dinos Hate Cities"
The drab, smelly, completely unattractive streets of New York on a rainy day are my inspiration for this piece. Why do cars have to beep constantly, even when there is no traffic? Because New Yorkers are assholes. And no... there are not enough volcanoes in that city. |
13 February 2008 "Rainy Day Dinos"
Unfortunately we may be seeing a "gray period" in my work. Hopefully I am only being glum because the weather has been completely uninspiring lately. And yet, I have a new piece to show... so perhaps the rain has inspired me after all. I am especially fond of the umbrella hat my Longneckosaurus has on his head. I think you'll all agree that it points to my problem solving genius when faced with the issue of creating an umbrella for a dinosaur with no hands. |
14 February 2008 "T*Rhino"
Commissioned by Miss Brittany Barberino, this new work was originally inspired by a subtle mispronunciation of the word "rhinoceros" by a drunken acquaintance. So why is the word pronounced "rhi-nah-ser-us" as opposed to "rhi-no-soar-us"? Because a Rhinosaurus doesn't exist. Idiot. |
21 February 2008 "Untitled"
Clearly this ought to be an ad in The New Yorker, but until I am discovered by those morons, I will simply have to continue devoting some time and energy to art based on my absolute favorite dairy product. |
28 February 2008 "Melissasaurus Rex: Sickius Maximus"
A tribute to my poor, sick Melissa. I'm glad she's not vomiting anymore, but her croup-y cough is still pretty gross. |
29 February 2008 "Dino Jug band"
Although I have been experimenting lately with different scenery and even different characters, I find that a return to the old sunny, volcano-y, Mesozoic-y Dino scene can be very refreshing. I feel strongly that if dinos had opposable thumbs, they would have definitely played the fiddle, doombucket bass, washboard and rigged up a holder so that Longneckosaurus could play the jug. Artistically, I chose the Longneckosaurus to play the jug because everyone knows that Longneckosaurus' are of lower intelligence and serve best as primitive rhythm keepers.
*Edit: To date this is still one of my favorite pieces! |
29 February 2008
Not art as much as a musing... I think it's true though. Wouldn't that be cute? |
1 July 2008 "Heart Attack"
My first piece in quite a while, but since things here at the ol' office have calmed down long enough for me to get my artistic groove back, if you will, I thought I'd share this with you. Not my favorite. The drab color scheme of the Long Wharf Theatre makes me want to die. Literally just die. |
16 September 2008 "Heads in Sand/Heads in Tar"
Inspired by my dear friends down at "Heads In Sand", this work really makes me how much nicer it must be to have your entire body buried in the sand with only your head sticking out; as opposed to your entire body sucked into hot, sticky, stinking tar with only your head sticking out and your best friend Mr. Longneckosaurus dead right next to you starting to stink with his bulging tongue sticking out.
Much nicer indeed. |
24 June 2009 "Dinos in Blue and White"
Tagged on a bathroom wall at Snapper McGee's in Torrington, CT. Sometimes Ms. Von Colorsaurus Rex likes to give back to the little people. |
7 December 2009 "Dino with a Pearl Earring"
After a long artistic hiatus, I have returned with one of my favorite works to date. The Dino with a Pearl Earring tells a story of passion and innocence, femininity, sexuality, and fear. I hope you are as pleased with me as I am with myself... |
9 April 2009
A quick sketch of the Jimasaur eating a unicorn for stealing his phone charger. Clearly based in reality... |
Date Unknown (March 2010)
A table doodle of a colorful dino... the spots look like sores. I'm not impressed. |
Date Unknown (March 2010)
This is a quick sketch of two lovely dinos: the Jaredsaurus and the Caseyosaur. Both are in their natural environments as the Jaredsaurus is playing the upright bass, smoking and drinking beer, and the Caseyosaur is falling down the stairs. The poor Caseyosaur was one of the first to go extinct, as it was not very well developed or particularly good at things that were useful in it's survival. |
18 April 2010
Not so much art as a scribbling whilst waiting for my super trendy vegetarian lunch at which I ate something they claimed was "Tempeh Bacon" but tasted more like BBQ potato chips with the consistency of God knows what. Anything, pictured is the Spined Bulbousaur, a rare rainbow vomiting Unicorn and a hunting party of Jackalopes. |
18 April 2010
Many people probably don't know, but both Unicorns and Jackalopes have been around very much in their current form for millions of years- much like the alligator and the shark. Although some evolutionary changes have occurred, such as the Unicorn becoming evermore self-important and entitled, physically these animals look very much as they did back in the prehistoric times.
Furthermore, because Unicorns are very rare and are usually only found driving their over sized gas-guzzling SUV's to park across two parking sports at WholeFoods because they only eat organic because they "really care about going green and the environment... and stuff", many people don't know that the Jackalope is their natural predator. It's true! You might say "but Bubbles, the Jackalope is so small and the Unicorn is so large!" Well, as we've learned from our dino friends, hunting in packs can be very useful for smaller carnivores. (Sidebar: Jackalopes are omnivorous, only eating Unicorn meat or vegetation.) A Jackalope hunting party will usually consist of 4-8 adult Jackalopes which work together to converge on a herd of Unicorn, forcing them to flee. Undoubtedly a baby Unicorn, or sometimes even a full grown adult will be separated from the pack, which can then be overpowered by the fierce jaws and powerful hindquarters of the Jackalopes. |
18 April 2010
Close-up of a Jackalope |
20 April 2010 "Dino of Guadalupe"
What can I say... I'm freaking brilliant.
I began a scene of the sighting of the Dino of Guadalupe about a year ago but my computer crashed after a good 3 or 4 hours of work (which will teach me to ever put in that much time and effort without saving my work...) |
21 April 2010 "Jackalope vs. Unicorn" |
20 July 2010 "Marilyn Mon-Rex"
Pop-art motha lova. Eat this Andy. You ain't got nothin' on BVCR! No for real though... I'm an artistic genius. |
5 August 2010 "Dino Tea Party"
Colored Pencil on cardboard box top.
Captions read:
Giraffe: Hey guys! Can I come to your fancy tea party???
Dino: No way Giraffe, you don't even exist!!! |
5 August 2010
Close-up of Dino Tea Party |
5 August 2010
Close-up of Dino Tea Party |
2 September 2010 "Hipstersaurs"
This is a prime, scientific rendering of two hipstersaurs - a male and a female specimen - in their chose habitat. Most hipstersaurs are born in small towns and then migrate in their early adulthood to settle in unhip sections of cities. Their diet consists mostly of PBR, hotdogs, and other things that would make their parents grimace. Fashion - particularly looking ridiculous in hightop sneakers, neon windbreakers, too tight pants, and flannel shirts - is a good way to identify the hipstersaur. Also, they may be shopping at American Apparel, complaining about their parents, talking about music that no one has ever heard of before (and for good reason), or posing for "spontaneous" photoshoots that make them look fun, interesting, and a bit off kilter.
Hopefully the hipstersaurs' reign in popular culture will be short-lived. |
23 February 2011
New Species found in UTAH - Brontomerus Mcintoshi (nicknamed "Thunder Thighs") |
22 February 2011
A commissioned work - Party Flyer
They're paying me in cheese puffs... |
19 May 2011 "Velocirapture"
Ink on Velum
Inspired by the insanity that was "Rapture Scare 2011"... this is what I'd like to scoop me up and bring me to heaven! |
WOW so there it is... the last three years of my work all in one place. I'm goddamn prolific!!
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