1) I have one (1) follower. That is awesome. Know what else would be more awesome than that? Having MORE than one follower.
2) Today I received the most wonderful post on my facebook from a most wonderful life long friend who, as we grow older, I am realizing is just as unpleasant and misanthropic as I am which is why after 20+ years of coming and going from the lives of one another, we will probably always be lurking somewhere in the others' unfriendly subconscious. The note went something (exactly) like this:
Yesterday, I saw some douchebag with an unwieldly trailer loaded with kayaks and other crap weaving through heavy traffic on the highway without even using a blinker. I thought of you and cut him off, using my blinker of course. It was a WWBVCR do? moment.
This makes my little black heart all a-flutter... knowing my hate is infecting other hateful people. Before long, my hate will hopefully also be infecting normal, right-thinking individuals.
3) THINGS I HATE. What I really really REALLY hate is when all my co-workers go on vacation in the same week and leave me with a mess of crucially important,
time sensitive projects to be completed (atop all of my other important, time sensitive projects on which I am tasked to complete every week anyways). This week's projects will consist of merging, printing, addressing, stuffing and sending two important mailings which need to be completed by Friday. Though this isn't hard work... there is a lot of it.
Since it's difficult to draw things like "I hate doing more work than usual because my coworkers are off jaunting around the country" or "I hate when people are having a good time and I'm not", I'll just leave you with a few other things I hate.
meteors Bigger assholes than the Nazis |
“that’s the worst…” Guess what? Godzilla trumps paper cut. So does flood damage, flat tires and dead goldfish. |
hidden birds You’re just walking along through a parking-lot, minding your own business, maybe going to WholeFoods to buy some free range tilapia burgers if you’re pretentious, and suddenly you hear them… what sounds like hundreds to possibly even THOUSANDS of birds. But where is that sound coming from? You scan the parking-lot but you see nothing… except a lush tree on a small island several feet away and suddenly you notice that the lush greenery is moving and chirping and you realize that there are 125,099 birds hiding in that tree just waiting to get you. |
So there it is folks... another riveting installment of things I hate. I'm sure after this week there'll be plenty more things. Gosh I hate things.
Until then... here's a picture of something I DON'T hate!